Our Approach
We believe children learn best through play! Our school's formal curriculums are The Creative Curriculum for birth-5 years old and the Starting Point Learning Center School-Age Curriculum for K-5th grade. Our education teams implement Conscious Discipline and draws inspiration from the Reggio Emilia Approach. Lesson/Investigation plans are posted on Wednesday each week and is a LIVE document that can be found online at Teaching Strategies Gold by request.
Teachers express general goals and make hypothesis about what direction activities and investigations might take. Then, after observing children in action, they compare, discuss and interpret their observations and make choices that they share with the children about what to offer and how to sustain the children in their exploration and learning. The curriculum develops in the process of each activity or investigation and is flexibly adjusted accordingly through the conscious dialogue among teachers and children. All plans are aligned to the Birth Through Kindergarten Entry Learning and Development Standards and Ohio's Learning Standards.